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What Do You Want to Be True 10 Years From Now?

Christmas 2022 fell on a Sunday. And while that isn’t especially remarkable, several people highlighted that the next time Christmas would fall on a Sunday is 2033. Gracious, how different our lives will be by then. When that Sunday rolls around, my son will be 22, and my daughter, 18. Pending all of the hopeful/traditional…

To the Mom on the Other Side of the Door

Recently, outside of a closed bathroom door, I became keenly aware of something. Arms extended up the trim, leaning forward, I was talking with my daughter when it occurred to me, “I seem to be in this position a lot lately.” If I remember clearly, the conversation that morning was about an earring issue because…

The Hidden Ministry in Garage Sales

Welcome, dear reader, to a quick reflection on “garage sale season” and the unexpected ways it can help us love, serve, and honor one another. Oddly, garage sales are one of the only times in modern society when people will just “show up” at your home. Depending on your set-up, they are not just in…